‘Everything is Energy. Everything is Alive. Everything has Spirit.’
Shamanism is one of the most ancient spiritual and healing practice known to man. In fact, shamanism and shamanic healing date back to over 100,000 years and have been practiced all across the globe — well before our current technologies of communication were possible. It is an ancient collection of traditions based on the act of voluntarily accessing and connecting to non-ordinary states — or spirit realms — for wisdom and healing.
The ancient art of shamanic healing seeks and addresses the root cause of a physical illness or emotional dis-ease. Shamanism encourages us to be aware of the spirit around us, connecting us to everything.
Here are the main components of the Meraki Soul Centre Shamanic Healing treatments. The sacred tools listed below are used independently or in combination for these treatments.
- Shamanic Journey – A Shamanic Journey is a voyage into the Soul, the world where we can commune with aspects of ourselves that are in emotional pain. We travel together to listen, to heal, to grow and transform these parts of ourselves for the greater good of all. In Shamanic Journey, the therapist and the client can both travel together or the therapist journeys alone to bring back the necessary information for the client. This brings forth intuitive insights to spark your creativity and help to guide you forward on your path.
- Soul Retrieval – A Soul Retrieval is a powerful spiritual practice that heals soul loss. Sometimes the soul loss may be experienced as a chronic illness or ongoing emotions such as sadness and anger. Soul loss can occur whenever we have trauma in our life. Because of a traumatic experience, we may experience an essential part of us leaving. During a soul loss, many of us feel like we are missing an important part of ourselves or feel like we are not quite whole. In, Soul Retrieval, this essential part of you that had left is retrieved and returned back to you to make you whole once again
- Soul Extraction: Soul Extraction is a way to remove old, stuck emotional energy blockages from the energy field. This results in improving the overall natural energy flow of the body. Extraction work allows for the energetic removal of patterns, thoughts and energies from the past that no longer serve your highest good.
Please feel free to call, message or email us with any questions you may have, to book an appointment or to simply book a free 15-minute consultation to see what treatment is best for you.
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