“Reiki is the life force energy that flows through all living beings.”
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique, where a therapist uses hand movements and gentle touch to affect the body’s energy channels. The word reiki stems from two Japanese words, which, when combined, translate to ‘universal spiritual energy’. Practitioners are attuned to this energy and can channel the universal life energy to help others, without affecting their own.
It is a powerful form of energetic healing that promotes health and wellbeing in the body, mind, and soul. Through Reiki healing treatments, life force energy (ki/prana/chi) is channeled through our reiki practitioner into the energy system of the person being treated. Through this higher vibration of energy, their vibrational state is raised and the lower, dense energy (which contributes to ill health) can be removed.
If you have never experienced the beautiful energy that is Reiki, maybe it can be the new thing you do for you this year! You will not be disappointed!
Please feel free to call, message or email us with any questions you may have, to book an appointment or to simply book a free 15-minute consultation to see what treatment is best for you.
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