I would like to share a couple of short exercises to practice thankfulness in our daily lives. I have a morning and evening gratitude ritual (I am a sucker for my rituals, it helps me honor my energy work and manifest everything – more on that later).
My morning ritual is a quick 5-minute shower gratitude exercise. Why in the shower do you wonder? Well because I strongly believe that water has a memory. Scientists have confirmed that it can pick up and store information in its DNA so whatever thoughts and emotions you generate near a water body or while drinking it, water behaves accordingly in your body. So, not only does it help us cleanse during a shower but if invoked its energy it can help us heal and manifest immediately. You can’t deny that it also deeply calms our being and helps us get into a good mental space (There’s nothing a hot water shower can’t fix, at least for me).
So here’s what I do. I think of the three things in my life that I am most grateful for. It could be my family, my pets, my friends or the air, water, trees, birds, bees (you get the drift). Even on the most difficult and challenging days, I try to find something to be grateful for. It doesn’t matter if these are small and insignificant. I just close my eyes as I think of each of these and smile, feeling thankful for the blessings they bring to me, expanding this feeling to my physical and mental body, my emotional and spiritual being and immediately I begin to feel nice and refreshed, warm and happy, ready to get on with the day. It’s amazing how it helps start my day on a beautiful note. Now once you start doing this simple exercise in the shower, you will realize that when your first thoughts of the day are focussed on counting your blessings and the abundance you have in your life, you have in some ways manifested that for the rest of the day. All you need is just 5 minutes in the morning.
You can also have an evening ritual where you think of the three things that happened during the day that you are grateful for and WHY (answering why is very important to this exercise). Write them down in a journal or a piece of paper (remember pinning it down is the key, it’s a physical form of manifestation and positive affirmation) This is a more specific exercise. Here you are going through your day and consciously remembering all that went well, all that you are grateful for and why. Forex (1) – I could say – I am thankful for having a great friend who I had a wonderful uplifting conversation with. Why? Because she is considerate, thoughtful, she listens, she was patient, etc. etc. and it made me feel loved.
Ex (2) I am thankful for a great meal I had today. Why? Because I cooked it, it helped my creative juices flow, it made me feel healthy and so on.
Now the idea behind stressing on the ‘WHY’ part is to be able to associate these feelings of gratitude and thankfulness with everyday actions and people. Not just that, we are also sending good vibes and blessings when we answer why we are grateful for something or someone. It sends outs vibrations for more positive things to manifest in our lives.
These short rituals/exercises can really help you change your perspective in life where you focus your attention on counting your blessings and being thankful for the abundance than the lack! Try it and let the magic of gratitude unfold in your life!
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