You have the power to turn every single thing around in your life! There’s no running away in this current life. We are the generation of true healing from so many lifetimes to evolve our World and the human race.
You are never trapped in any situation and no-one has the Power to trap you either. If you are feeling like there’s no-way-out of a situation, then it’s time to transform your thinking and to start using your mind, thoughts, and act better. I call it – turn your magic on by using the tools you have gained over lifetimes -especially this lifetime where you are here to transcend old belief patterns fully.
Don’t get sucked into power games that others may play with you. Anyone who doesn’t value or respect you holds no power to you. So cut cords of any emotional ties you have with any kind of being that wishes harm to you on all levels. It’s a total waste of your energy and time because you are worth so much more than you can ever imagine.
–If your stuck in a job you don’t like – make a plan what you want to do and put daily actions in to make small changes.
–If you feel stuck in a relationship – where you want to move on. Be honest with yourself and the other person and put actions in to either make it better or actions in to move on.
–If you are carrying a past relationship that keeps playing games. Look at the emotional patterns they play and learn how not to react to them, then transform each situation as they rise!
Your health you can heal too. Things will keep replaying in your life until you finally learn how not to react. Everything happening to you is mirroring something that you need to grow through, and the intensity of Earths energy, isn’t letting anything go for any of us – if you need to see the lesson and need to transform it – it sure will be very present in your life to transcend. As you let go and learn your life will become lighter.
Don’t forget to ask for help! Return to your magic. Remember if you don’t ask for help, you get none and there’s nothing wrong in seeking help. Universe helps us in the most amazing ways.
Don’t forget you are never given anything in life that You can’t handle. You are so protected and guided through each experience given to you. It is your mission to face everything without making any excuse or blame.
You are 100% responsible for your path – for the lessons you are here to heal from. You have more support and power than you could ever imagine. Don’t waste a single moment on thinking you can’t do anything or you are stuck. Your true being, divinity is highly activated during these transforming times guiding you with every step you make.
Remember why you are here and remember just how powerful you are and still becoming the more you surrender to outdated ways and actions.
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