Raise your Vibrations

Ever heard someone talking about their vibrations and wondered what it means?

? Vibrations!!! We all have a personal energy frequency at which we operate. This is nothing but the sum of all that we are – every life we have ever lived, every thought we have ever had, every action performed. Think of it as the very essence of your soul.

? Higher and Lower vibrations!

When we are in a lower vibration, our energy gets dense and collected, leading to distortion of the light that our body is constantly receiving from the Universe (from nature and elementals). We lower our vibration when we act out of fear, anger, resentment, guilt, jealousy etc. killing our natural pranic energy resulting in poor health and state of being!

Raising our vibrations helps us recieve more ‘prana’ and light in our bodies. When we are in a higher state of vibration, we are more connected with our soul and higher selves. We are vibrantly healthy and life flows with great ease and grace. We can raise our vibrations by loving ourselves and others unconditionally. By honouring all the life lessons that come our way, as we continue to learn and evolve. By understanding the true essence of life and why we are here. Yes, we all have the potential to raise our vibration and to become aware of our energetic bodies.

? You can either choose to lower your vibration or raise it!! Choose wisely, raise your vibration, be more in tune with your heart space, acting out of love and kindness because in the end only ‘Love’ matters. ‘Love’ increases our ‘Light’.


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