Take responsibility for your Feelings and Actions

We are all each other’s teachers and in all our relationships – every interaction brings with it some lessons.

Now, let’s admit it, there are going to be times when our buttons get pushed, so how do you manage something that someone does that affects you in a negative way?
How do you respond?
Do you lash back and get even?
Do you stuff your feelings away?
Do you stand strong in your opinion waiting for the other person to apologize?

So In a recent incident, I happened to push someone’s buttons when I probably said something that upset the other person. Suddenly caught off guard, I wanted to make it better. However, I know the best thing to do in a situation like this (when my own buttons are also pushed) is to take responsibility and give the other person some space. Let the whole thing slide and when the other person is ready for open communication, discuss what happened? What did they feel? Discussing it out after both the parties have had time to reflect on the situation is extremely important.

Yes, the ego will tell you otherwise, it might want to lash out and take the defensive route but you should know better. Because when we choose to take responsibility for the upset instead of taking it personally, we are allowing an open space for things to resolve

It is important to understand that the other person didn’t cause you to feel the way you are feeling. We are all 100% responsible for how we feel because we choose to feel a certain way. I can choose to feel good or bad in a situation depending on what perspective I view it from. Have an open perspective where you are 100% accountable for your actions, reactions, emotions and feelings and see your relationship change for the better with everyone around you.

So, the question to ask yourself is – Am I taking complete personal responsibility for my life yet?


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