Angel Healing Therapy (2 day workshop)

Angel Healing Therapy (2 day workshop)2019-08-08T06:17:29+00:00

Learn to communicate and receive heavenly guidance and assistance from the Angelic Realm. Join this course to invoke angelic intervention in your lives and deepen your connection with the divine messengers of Love, Light and Protection..

This comprehensive and powerful course will teach you how to ask and accept help from angels.Whether you are taking the course to aid your own spiritual path or to help others do the same, the course will teach you about the angels themselves as well as how to go about contacting them, the ways in which Angel Healing Therapy works.

Course Content

  • Introduction to Angel Therapy

  • Connecting with Angels & Archangels 

  • Talking to Angels – Signs & Synchronicities 

  • Healing with Angels – Self and others

  • Angel Numbers 

  •  Angels & Crystals

  • Creating your own Angel Rituals and Practices

  • Guided Angel Meditations

  • Self Care – Cord Cutting,  Shielding and Protection 

  • How to give an Angel Card Reading

  • Channeling Angelic Beings

This course is useful for everyone who wants an angelic guide/s in their life for guidance and healing. It will help you develop your intuition and the ability to channel healing energies/messages/guidance for yourself and others. We will work and learn hands-on with angels, archangels and other divine forms in these 2 days through meditations, rituals, practice, channeling and group shares.