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So far admin has created 15 blog entries.

Don’t Fake being Okay! Own your Feelings, Recognize them and Honor your Humanity.


So today, a client called and as she narrated her problems, she kept apologizing for her feelings - 'I am sorry for being so negative'; 'I know I shouldn't be sad'; I wish I could be positive' and so on. This made me wonder, why do we feel sorry if we feel any negative emotion [...]

Don’t Fake being Okay! Own your Feelings, Recognize them and Honor your Humanity.2019-07-17T12:30:10+00:00

Are you in a Healthy Conscious Relationship??


Wise men rightly say that we’re stronger together, but only because of who we are apart. We are living in a dynamic world and our society is constantly changing; in fact, it's already changed. We are no longer partnering up/getting married to overcome loneliness or because we need someone to financially care for us. No, [...]

Are you in a Healthy Conscious Relationship??2019-07-18T05:08:58+00:00

Do you force yourself to feel good when you just don’t???


I have always believed that it's extremely important to give yourself permission to feel 'negative' emotions. It amazes me when I hear people tell each other don't hurt, doesn't cry, doesn't grieve, doesn't be angry, doesn't be jealous and so on. My question to you is - Why, the hell not??? If I have had [...]

Do you force yourself to feel good when you just don’t???2019-07-18T05:12:22+00:00

The Day I Woke Up!!!


So here's my story. I call it - The day, I woke up!!! I used to watch these empowered people with such envy that I so desperately wanted all that they had. I would sit in my dark corner of the world and watch all these confident people walking by in all their strength and [...]

The Day I Woke Up!!!2019-07-17T10:21:17+00:00

Own your Power, What’s stopping you??


You have the power to turn every single thing around in your life! There's no running away in this current life. We are the generation of true healing from so many lifetimes to evolve our World and the human race. You are never trapped in any situation and no-one has the Power to trap you [...]

Own your Power, What’s stopping you??2019-07-17T10:23:29+00:00

You are neither too much nor too less. You are ENOUGH!!!


It's so easy to feel uncared for when people aren’t able to communicate and connect with you in the way you need or understand. And it’s so hard not to internalize that silence as a reflection on your worth. But the truth is that the way other people operate is not about you, it's about [...]

You are neither too much nor too less. You are ENOUGH!!!2019-07-18T05:15:21+00:00

Know your Chakras


Everything in our universe is radiating energy, from the biggest mountain or ocean, to the tiniest blade of grass, to each individual cell in our body. All of our cells emit energy in different ways, and different cells will emit different kinds of energy depending on where they are located within the body and what [...]

Know your Chakras2019-07-17T10:29:57+00:00

Practicing Thankfulness – Short Exercises


I would like to share a couple of short exercises to practice thankfulness in our daily lives. I have a morning and evening gratitude ritual (I am a sucker for my rituals, it helps me honor my energy work and manifest everything - more on that later). My morning ritual is a quick 5-minute shower [...]

Practicing Thankfulness – Short Exercises2019-07-18T05:17:30+00:00