Mandala are characterized by repetitive patterns in concentric shapes, (circles, triangles, squares, etc).In many spiritual practices, a mandala represents the entire Universe. In more modern Jungian psychology, the symbol stands for an effort to reunify the self. Mandalas are way to come to wholeness. Psychologist Carl Jung maintained the practice of drawing mandalas for an entire year to resolve inner conflicts and restore inner peace. Jung thought that drawing within a circle helped balance inner conflicts and dualities.
When the opposites in our psyches become polarized and conflicted, a painful symptom initiates our healing process back towards balance. Drawing within a mandala format can support you come to your peaceful center. The mandala process helps to unify the opposing forces of the psyche, and brings about inner harmony.
This Mandala Art Therapy workshop is a supportive tool for meditation by allowing clear and vivid visuals while occupying the motor skills. This workshop can give us that access to our intuitive core, to find our WHY. Since, a Mandala is a spiritual and visual representation of whatever it is you’re going through at the time, theinner voice speaks to you via the art form of the Mandala you draw.
Saumya takes artists step-by-step, creating beautiful mandala symbolism. She also talks about shape and color psychology, using positive affirmations that reflect the meaning of the shapes used in the drawing.
This workshop is offered in two formats – For Children and Adults
Please note – No prior Art knowledge is required. It’s perfectly fine if it’s your first time holding a drawing pen. All the required material will be provided. Also, you will take back a beautiful finished mandala artwork ready to be displayed.
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