Have you ever noticed that you get more of the thing that you don’t want? Or have you caught yourself always attracting negative people and events over and over in your life and can’t explain why? The answer to your question is that something is dramatically and powerfully controlling your life and that’s the UNIVERSAL SECRET very few people know, and that Universal secret is the LAW OF ATTRACTION.
In this LOA workshop, we will look at the concept of Law of Attraction from the perspective of the universal principles of applied quantum physics as well as the ancient wisdom of thousands of years old to give you an understanding of how to make it work for you. We will learn how to overcome our unconscious limitations so we can live in connection with our true purpose, execute plans more effectively towards our goals, and attract the right opportunities.
What is Law of Attraction?
Course Content:
- Introduction to Law of Attraction
68 seconds pure thought concept
Learn the principles of manifestation
Learn to break limiting belief patterns and release abundance blocks
Discover how to attract more of what you want – abundance, improved relationships, health and well being
Become a money magnet attracting more money and wealth
Learn the art of gratitude to cultivate an abundant mindset
Learn the power of visualisation techniques
Self Hypnosis to manifest your dreams
How to create powerful and effective vision boards
Guided Meditation to strengthen your intuition and manifestation abilities
- How to release past memories of lack through Forgiveness exercises
- How to incorporate the law of attraction in your daily life
And many more insights and techniques
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